Frequently asked questions

Where are you located?

We are located on Adelaide Terrace, East Perth.

How do I place an order?

Ordering a cake from us is as easy as finding your preferred cake and filling out the necessary details and preferences. Payment is collected at the end of the order.

If what you're looking for is not in the Cakes section, please fill out the form on the Bespoke Custom Orders page and provide as much detail as possible. For all custom orders, we require a deposit of 50%. This can be made through bank transfer.

How much advance notice is needed for a booking?

To ensure our availability, we recommend that orders are placed 2-3 weeks before the special day. Reaching out sooner increases the likelihood of securing availability. However, we do sometimes accept last minute orders depending on the design and availability with an additional cost.

Do you offer delivery?

We offer delivery services with an additional charge starting from $30, based on a round trip using Uber XL rate on the day. For those who prefer pick up, out location is in East Perth.

How does pickup work?

All cakes can be collected on the required day in East Perth. Further details will be provided in the confirmation email.

What's the optimal method for storing and serving my cake?

Please click here for our cake care instruction page.

Is it possible to modify my order?

Changes can only be made 7 days prior to the pick up date. Any subsequent changes after this day will incur and administration fee.